Kollár Pakk Kft. business webshop
General Terms and Conditions
Effective: From 22 September 2017 until revoked
This GTC contains the conditions for purchasing and ordering packaging material and packaging machines in the business webshop operated on kollarpakk.hu website.
Please read carefully before using the webshop. If you have any questions or remarks, our staff is at your disposal on our contact details that can be found in the Operator Data.
Operator data
Company name: Kollár Pakk Kft.
Company seat: 6724 Szeged Csalogány utca 24.
– Budapest office and warehouse: 1037 Budapest, Bécsi út 250. 1st floor
– Szeged plant and office: 6771 Szeged-Szőreg, Külterület 2.
Tax number: 11097978-2-06
VAT registration number: HU11097978
Company registration number: 06-09-003646
Bank account number: 11998006-02614702-00000000
NAIH registration number: NAIH-87766/2015.
Contract language: Hungarian
Contact details:
E-mail: webshop@kollarpakk.hu
Phone: 061-800-8089
Opening hours, order processing: Mon-Thu 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Fri: 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
The range of products available in the webshop
In the webshop our products are available in two groups:
Can be taken immediately
Request a quote for a custom-size (packaging material)
For rent (packaging machines)
Product types:
Packaging materials: foils, trays, pouches
Packaging machines
Please note that some of our machines for which a quote can be requested are not included in the webshop. These packaging machines are available from the kollarpakk.hu Front page, under the menu Packaging machines.
Territorial scope
Products are available for delivery in Hungary with the delivery fees given later.
It is also possible to pick it up in person at the specified locations, at a pre-arranged time, during opening hours.It is also possible to pick it up in person at the specified locations, at a pre-arranged time, during opening hours.
If the order is delivered from outside Hungary, our staff will agree with the customer on the delivery fees.
The webshop only serves companies and institutions and organizations with a valid tax number. If you do not have them or are an individual, please contact our staff.
Order information
You can find information in the webshop without registration, but registration is required to place an order.
Registration process
In the webshop, the registration process can be initiated at the start of the ordering process, and our existing customers can also initiate their webshop registration at our contact details.
It is important to enter a valid e-mail address when registering, check its accuracy.
From now on, you can log in at any time with your already registered username and password during the webshop order, or at the following direct link: kollarpakk.hu/user
You can edit your profile and view your orders.
Order processing
If the order is placed outside the opening hours, it will be processed on the next working day.
The images shown on the product data sheets may differ from the actual ones, in some cases they are included as illustrations. Our company is not responsible for any changes to the technical specifications without prior notice.
We reserve the right to refuse orders that have already been confirmed in whole or in part. Partial delivery can only take place after consultation with the customer.
Order process
For the product you want to buy, select the quantity or, if listed, the standard size, then click the Add to Cart button
If you want to add another product to the cart, you can continue shopping by clicking on the Webshop.
If the desired products and quantities are in the cart, you must log in with your previously created account or request a new registration by clicking on the Payment button.
You must provide the following information to place your order:
Billing name and address
Shipping name and address, or if it matches your billing information, tick it
Tax number
Contact person’s name and contact information
In the next step, you need to select the method of receipt. In case of choosing delivery, the delivery fee calculated on the basis of the delivery fee table is included, and when ordering packaging material, the delivery fee calculated according to the weight of the ordered product is included.
If the order is correct, you can complete the order by clicking the Submit Order button.
Request for quotation process
Method of receipt
During the order process, you can select the receipt method as specified in the order process.
You can currently choose from the following options:
With delivery: The ordered product will be delivered to the specified delivery address for a delivery fee. Orders received in the morning will be delivered the next day. Orders received after 12:00 will be shipped within 2 days.
Payment method
You can select the payment method during the order. You can currently choose from the following payment methods:
By bank transfer. Advance money transfer to the account number indicated in the GTC operator data. In this case, please indicate the order number in the transfer notification.
Cash on delivery. In case of cash on delivery, the fee must be paid upon receipt of the product. Payment by cash on delivery is possible upon request for delivery.
In cash against a cash invoice, at our sites in Budapest and Szeged.
By credit card at our Budapest site.
Receipt of invoice
If you request delivery, you will find the invoice in the delivered package. Upon receipt at our site, we will hand over the invoice in person.
Delivery fees
If you request delivery, we will charge the following fees:
Delivery fee:
Up to 20 kg in the whole country: 1,500 HUF + VAT
20-40 kg: 3,000 HUF + VAT
Over 40 kg: 1,500 HUF + VAT / 20 kg
In case of delivery outside Hungary, we calculate the individual delivery fee depending on the destination.
Data processing
Our contracted delivery partner:
Mixpakk Kft.
Site: 1116 Budapest, Fonyód út 2.
Billing address: 1119 Budapest, Rátz László u. 26.
Tax number: 24114640-2-43
Server operation and development, hosting services
Axon Produkt Kft.
Contact details of the service provider: http://axonltd.hu