In order to maintain its existing market position and to further develop them, our company has introduced and operates a quality management system according to MSZ EN ISO 9001:2015.
In the course of our work, we have experienced that we can only satisfy and maintain the satisfaction of our customers in the long run if we continuously improve our professional skills and equipment accordingly.
The following requirements are the most important for the products we produce:
quality and reliability
Knowing these goals, we regulated the operation of our company by developing our quality management system.
The regulation has been developed by defining the main processes required for the production of the product, which we are continuously developing together with all areas, which can also be measured by continuously following the goals set for each area.
The system regulates the tasks and responsibilities of all employees and the requirements of the forms it uses, which ensures that all employees become responsible for their own activities.
We make all our employees aware of the importance of the quality management system, and we continuously train them so that they are able to produce our products to a higher standard.
Szeged, 26/06/2018
Imre Kollár